Getting Your Business Ready for the Holidays: 5 Reasons to Prepare Now

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You better watch out, you better not pout, and you better start preparing your business now for the holiday sales season. For many small businesses, the holiday season is one of their busiest times of the year. Adequately preparing for this stressful time can ensure healthy profits, happy customers, and calm employees. Here’s why ordering custom printed labels now will make the holidays a little less hectic. 

1. Time is of the Essence

Proper time management is a critical part of running a business. The mad rush of the holidays is going to happen sooner than you think. So, you’ll want to stay ahead of the competition. 

Be sure to get your order placed with plenty of time to spare before the sales frenzy begins. It takes time to place an order, produce the labels and have them delivered to you. 

2. Rushing Risks Mistakes

When you feel rushed, you’re more likely to make a mistake. Waiting until the last minute to place a custom label order can lead to design or label construction mistakes that can be pricey to fix. Plus, a poorly designed or off-brand label can hurt your business image. 

3. Catch the Flight. Don’t Miss the Boat. 

Ever missed the morning bus ride to school? It’s a terrible feeling. Usually, it’s because you thought, “Oh, I’ll just hit snooze for a couple more minutes of shut-eye.” Or, “I have time to watch another episode. I don’t need to get dressed just yet . . .” And before you know it, you’ve missed your ride. 

Waiting until the very last minute to order a label risks a similar scenario. When you wait until it’s five minutes to midnight, your label is at the end of the line — everyone else who ordered before you will get their prints first. 

The problem? That lucrative holiday sales season may come and go before you get your labels. You could miss out on netting sales for holiday promotions, or your labels may not be ready to ship in time. Order now to avoid this risk. 


4. No Sweat

Life (and the holidays) is stressful enough. You don’t want to make it more stressful on yourself, do you? Crunch time is no fun. When you get down to the wire, the adrenaline kicks in, and you panic. So take the steps now to remove some of that holiday-induced stress. 

Order your custom printed labels with enough time to spare before showtime, reduce stress, and eliminate crunch-time panic. Your products will be ready for your customers since you were adequately prepared for the holiday sales season. 

5. Focus on Winning

The ability for one single person to focus on something meaningful is finite. Panicking about the holiday sales season from lack of preparation is a waste of your resources and the ability to focus on business growth. When you’ve thoroughly prepared the fundamentals, you can focus on marketing and customer service. 

Excellent marketing campaigns for the holidays can drastically increase your sales numbers, customer base, and brand awareness. When your business's basics are taken care of, you can focus more of your attention and resources on guaranteeing excellent customer service, which will further increase your brand awareness and reputation. 


Prep with Custom Printed Labels and Make This Holiday Season a Winner 

Organization and preparation are vital components of running a well-oiled business machine. Make this holiday season one of the best for your company when you order your custom printed labels well before crunch time. 

At Inkwise Label, we have over 25 years of experience in the custom label printing business. Troubleshooting, designing, prepping and printing — we know labels whether they’re used to sell small retail or online store products

Prepare for a stress-free holiday sales season now. Call us at 885-417-8080. Or email us to get your label order started.


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